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The Storm and the Maiden
Friday, 29 January 2010
Within the Storm @ 12:36 - Link - comments (1)
[SIZE=9][COLOR=Crimson][FONT=Harrington]Life is bittersweet. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Monday, 18 January 2010
Within the Storm @ 10:19 - Link - comments
Our Queen arrived several days back with the news that our King's body had, after all this time, been located. Closure is usually a good thing, but the circumstances surrounding this news are troubling, and open up all sorts of new questions. For his body was found deep in the waters off the Eastern coast of Valorn and encased in what has been described as an unknown, glasslike substance. Worse yet, his heart was missing - removed deliberately from his body. To know of this desecration to our King both angers me and pushes me to tears, for he deserved so much better. I do not yet know of the Queens plans, or if there will be a plan towards a next step but I will be there for her the moment I hear she gives us her word, to do whatever it is she will need from her people. Until then, I venture the lands as peacefully as I can; giving my help where needed, working on the guild and my writings - and of course raising my weapons to ward off any imposing evil I cross paths with.

Lost down underneath
all that remains is now found
of the peoples dreams
Friday, 08 January 2010
Within the Storm @ 09:56 - Link - comments (2)
The bright days become darkest nights and then the nights become days once more, and we do whatever it is we do all over again. This particular new day I have made some resolutions in my head - which I shall keep there, with the hope that perhaps this time I will have the power to hold to them. In a world of rushed days and vivid dreams come night; it can be hard to keep our focus on such things and accomplish the goals we set forth for ourselves. With all the adventures I have in life I am surprised I even have time, or room in my mind to dream of new ones. But I do - and they never stop. I am not complaining, for I love to dream. And some dreams I hold very dear to me heart. Such as the dreams I often have of my dearest Rogue and myself, spending time together by the sea under the stars sharing a meal and stories and laughter.

I dearly miss those times we shared together - more then I can ever express to him - but at least I have my dreams and memories to hold onto. And the funny thing about them is they always appear to me when I am feeling the saddest and missing him more then other days. The dreams help revive my joy of having someone in my life who loves me as much as the Rogue does. They revive my spirit and my very soul - and they give me the power to keep up with my busy life and do whatever it is I need to do to keep moving onto the next day, the next stage of life or whatever it is that lies ahead. To hold onto the love we share and the hope that we will once again find the right moment to share new laughter and stories under the stars above our beloved land.

You always love me
Through good times and the bad times
My dearest rogue